Hot Wheels lets you choose your own adventure

Racing with Hot Wheels Custom Motors – Click to watch the video.

by Alex Nunez

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure Books from when you were a kid? Awesome, right? Hot Wheels has applied that approach to a web video promoting its new series of Custom Motors vehicles. Basically, the Custom Motors rides all feature interchangeable parts, so you your kids can put together some fun, outlandish stuff. The more cars you buy, the more parts you have to work with. The truck models include pull-back motors, too. We saw these in person a couple of weeks ago at Toy Fair (where they had a Custom Motors version of Batman’s Tumbler displayed, in addition to the regular cars and trucks) and can report that they’re definitely cool toys.

Anyway, back to the Custom Motors Cup video on YouTube: When you start with the first one, you choose a vehicle and are then prompted to modify it (thus showing off the customizable nature of the toys) before sending your selected car or truck into a series of nifty stop-motion-animated races. How well you fare depends on your mod choices, each of which sends you down a different video “branch.” Fire up your own racer after the jump, and check out the Custom Motors toys in greater detail in the photo gallery below.

Sweet Mattel Mindflex game now shipping

mindflexLike many other children of the 80’s who was a fan of Star Wars, I totally wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Sure, I liked the lightsaber, but what I really wanted to do was be able to levitate my brother out of my room when he was bothering me. We will never be Jedi, but Mattel is now shipping its cool Mindflex game that lets you levitate things with the power of your mind.

The Mindflex stuff is sure to be a big hit this holiday season, and at least for now Amazon has it in stock for $81. I am betting that as the holidays get closer we will see these things being sold on eBay for way more than they are actually worth.

The cool factor alone with this toy is enough to warrant the $81 asking price on Amazon. The game lets players compete in a mental marathon where they move a ball around various obstacles that can be reconfigured for different layouts at will. This is totally on my Christmas list.